The Power Macintosh Debugger And of course… Object Master ResEdit ViewEdit MrPlusMacBrowse MrCPP SCPP MacApp 3.1.5 MPW 3.4 Created Using: Help us finish on time, and see your own name here: Gary Little Jordan Mattson Other marketing types: Rick Fleischman The "Power Macintosh Debugger" name concept by: Jim Flores And of course… All of our pre-alpha testers in MSSW All the teams in Core Tools Pete (command-S is for Save) Richardson Scott Schlieman Alagu Periyannan Paul Lodrige Suzanne Andrews Dave Matzner Mike Cappella Alan Lillich Bruce Jones Al Kossow Jeff Cobb Other people it couldn't have been done without: Jack Littleton Kevin Looney Sumit Bando Jeanette Robertson Danny Kubota Hila Schlank Bill Kincaid Brian Strull Kevin Redden Debugger Alumni: